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Field Creator


Supported Field Types

The Field Creator feature supports the following field types:

  • Checkbox
  • Currency
  • Number
  • Percent
  • Date
  • DateTime
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Url
  • Location
  • Picklist
  • Multiselect Picklist
  • Text
  • TextArea
  • LongTextArea
  • Html

Getting Started

  1. Open the Field Creator through the pop-up.

  1. Select the object you want to create fields for from the dropdown menu.

Creating Fields

  1. Click "Add Row" to add a new field.
  2. Fill in the Label, API Name, and select the Field Type.
  3. Click "Options" to set additional field properties (This modal will be dynamic depending on the field type).
  4. Click "Permissions" to set field-level security, use the "Apply to All Fields" option in the Permissions modal to quickly set permissions for all fields.

Bulk Import (beta)

  1. Click "Import CSV" to open the import modal.
  2. Enter comma-separated values in the format: Label, API Name, Type. (The separator can be configured from the extension options)
  3. Click "Import" to add the fields to your list.

Deploying Fields

  1. Review your field list for accuracy.
  2. Click "Deploy Fields" to create the fields in your Salesforce org.
  3. Check the deployment status icon for each field.

Additional Features

  • Use "Clone" to duplicate a field row.
  • Use "Delete" to remove a field row.
  • Click "Clear All" to reset the entire field list.